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Week 14

This week Chen joined us- an Industrial Design student. Together, we began thinking about what this object would look like in the room? What are the design principles of the product? Furthermore, we tried thinking about the language on a deeper level and began testing it. We proceeded with a test of the system which revealed problems. The system did not recognize the blinking on some cases. We figured that there is a need for a "strong" voluntary blink in order for the system to identify the operation, and that the natural blink is still becoming acclimatized in the system, so it proceeds with an operation even when it is not needed. The computer science students work very hard and resolved this problem quickly- the natural blink was cancelled and it is not perceived by the system. Parallel to this- we decided on the following design principles:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Building user-confidence - providing a visual feedback

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Seamless solution deployment in the bedroom, with minimal impact on other people

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Individual customization (the care-taker will define the interface operations)

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