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Week 13

After the system succeeded to work with the eyebrows and after a consultation with Shay and other patients, reading more research, etc., it seemed that the system working through the eyebrows could be problematic. In the prototype step, it is more important to focus on a controlled facial area that is common with most patients. We met again with Shay and chose to change the system, so it would work on the blinking of the eye. We began thinking about the language of interaction, what kind of blinking? How do we cancel involuntary blinking of the user? What is the right way for the system to react to its user? How would he know the function occurred? How many functions do we want? At this point, we starting answering these questions by checking with more and more patients. The team decided to create a "mors language of blinking"- while the system would be composed of two letters. (At this stage) a shorter letter and a longer letter, both that create a bank of four desirable functions (short and short, long and long, short and long, long and short).

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